piano lessons

Great News – Learn to Play the Piano!

I am currently accepting applications for those wanting to learn how to play the piano in the Denton / North Dallas - North Fort Worth greater area. (see map below)

  • Private piano lessons in my home, or I can travel to your location for an additional fee.
  • Primary focus is teen and adult students, but I accept younger students also.
  • 45 minute lessons are $55
  • 1 hour lessons are $70 - Best Use of Time - It's amazing how much more is accomplished in that 15 minutes.

A NOTE ABOUT ONLINE LESSONS: Online piano lessons could possibly work for a student that is at the intermediate or advanced level, but not for beginning students because so much of the early piano lessons are the student watching the teacher do something, then watching the student duplicate it properly, thereby insuring the correct technique it taught. This can only be accomplished properly in person.

The piano is likely the easiest instrument to learn to play music on. Even with a low to mid-priced digital piano these days ($500 to $1000), you can produce music that sounds incredible. The technology of the virtual piano has, in some ways, bypassed acoustic pianos, and there is no constant tuning required.

The piano, digital or acoustic, is the most dynamic instrument to play for many reasons:

  • All the notes in an orchestra exists on the piano. No other instrument can make this claim.
  • The tonality you can achieve with an acoustic piano - especially grand pianos, and with higher levels of digital pianos, is incredible. From the softest, sweetest sound to the harshest crushing tones, it's all achievable with practice and proper technique.
  • With digital pianos and synthesizers, you can play any instrument sound, or created sound easily with the piano keyboard, from the heaviest rock organs, lush strings, screaming guitars, to any sound you want to play or create.
  • The digital piano technology has progressed to the point that with the higher level instruments, when listening to it, you cannot determine if it’s coming from an acoustic piano, or a digital piano.
  • A bonus to playing on a digital piano over playing on an upright piano, is that the technique of playing the keys is most like playing a grand piano. Upright and grand pianos have completely different actions on how the hammer hits the string. At an intermediate or advanced level, you can play a grand piano much faster than an upright because you don’t have to allow the key to reset itself at nearly the point of almost removing your finger from the key. That said, starting out on an upright piano helps to build an early strong technique and strengthens fingers, which easily adapts to digital / grand pianos. 

There is a joy being able to sit down and play music, and most people have the ability to do this, but it does take some time and dedicated effort to really do it well.

  • Do you desire is to learn to play for your own enjoyment, I can help.
  • Do you want to learn classical music, I can help.
  • Do you want to learn to play well enough to pickup on the chord structure of a song and play a rhythm, or learn how to improvise in order to play in a band, I can help.
  • Do you want to be a serious musician and learn music as a career, or secondary income source, I can help.

Learning to read notes, chord charts, and learning how to pickup a song with ear training is critical in my opinion, and most people can learn to do it.

My teaching method includes these concepts and goals:

  • Proper technique when playing the piano. This is absolutely necessary to produce the sweetness and the power in playing the piano – both on quality digital and acoustic pianos. Also, learning proper fingering will vastly improve the quality, speed, and sound of the music you play.
  • Learning how to connect notes so they you don’t sound  "choppy" when you play is very important.
  • Understanding common chord structures, circle of 5ths, and basic scales is also necessary if you want to excel at quickly learning new music.
  • Although I can teach classical music methods, and if that’s what you want, we can go that route, but most people simply want to learn to play for enjoyment and be able to hear a song on the radio or Spotify, and be able to figure out the chords to the song without necessarily needing a chord chart to follow. But learning to play with chord charts is the minimum to get by with, and is where most people are introduced into playing with others (most church praise and worship teams use chord charts, and you are expected to be able to play accompaniment using them).

Contact me today to schedule a FREE 1 hour first lesson and consultation. Find out today if you should or can learn to play a piano. (Hint: Most people can)

Map Below: The circle represents what I would consider the maximum driving distance for myself or a student - but it's not set in stone.

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